Orientation programme was held on 10th June 2019 for the students of SSLC at St Joseph’s Girls’ School, Gulbarga. 210 students participated in apt attention. The resource person of the day Rev. Fr. Melvin Mendonca SJ opened an hour for the discussion. Students showed keen interest in the topics such as social media: impact on […]
Author: Fr Roshan Dsouza
Inauguration Of The Sunday Catechism Class:
The Parish Priests of many mission centre and parishes have taken keen interest in the Faith Formation by solemnly inaugurating the Sunday catechism classes in their places on 9th June 2019.
Inauguration Of Year Of Youth:
Bishop of Gulbarga announced and invited all the Youth, Parish Priests, and Religious to inaugurate the year of Youth on 9th June, on Pentecost Sunday. All over the diocese the Year of Youth was inaugurated very meaningfully displaying the Logo. Thanks to Fr. Clevan Gomes, The secretary for the commission of Youth.
Education Commission- Orientation Programme:
The Commission for Education organised a day’s Seminar for all the Managers, HMs, Principals & Clerical Staffs of Catholic Institutions at Sugyan, Pastoral centre , Gulbarga on 8th June 2019 . Bishop in his introductory talk spoke about the Education Policy of the Church. Resource persons Dr Chandrashekar S Principal of Siddharth Law College spoke about […]
The Diocesan Level CRI Meeting At Kalaburagi :
The CRI meeting at the diocese level took place on July 6th at 10 a.m at Sugyan Gulbarga. It was attended by 65 members from four districts. The President of CRI Fr Antony Das S.J Mission Superior of Jesuits in Vijayapura, CRI Secretary Sr Rochana CSST of St Joseph Convent Gulbarga have organized this meeting. Bishop Robert […]
Orientation Programme For Teachers
GDES and St. Joseph’s School jointly organised an Orientation Programme for the Teachers of Religious and Diocesan Educational Institution in Gulbarga deanery at Mother Theresa Hall Gulbarga on 31st May 2019. The programme was inaugurated by Bishop and Resource Person Mr Jairaj, the Principal of Diploma College. Fr Vijayraju the Parish Priest of Mother of Divine Grace […]
Career Guidance Programme At ORBIT
Youth, Education and Sponsorship Commissions jointly organized two days of Career Guidance programme at ORBIT on 7-8th May. More than 60 students of S.S.L.C and P.U.C participated. Thanks to Frs. Clevan Gomes, Vincent Thoras and Vincent Pereira for guiding the little once for future studies.
Physiotherapy And NLEP At Mother Theresa Hospital: Gulbarga.
Mother Theresa Charitable Hospital, organized Physiotherapy for the children with physical disabilities . 22 children benefited from this camp. Hospital has also started the care and treatment of the Leprosy Patients having ulcers. They are treated free of cost under the NLEP. A programme of 35 women health groups of the neighboring villages also went […]
Pre Cana At Orbit
Pre-cana course was organized by the Family Commission on 27- 28th April 2019 here at ORBIT. 42 candidates prepared themselves for the Sacrament of Marriage, Recourse persons of the day also did well. Their lessons were appreciated by the participants.
Tribute To The Victims Of Sri Lanka Bomb Blast:
Inter-religious Dialogue forum and United Christian Forum joined to gather to pray in the “Candle Light procession” at Bhalki on 3rd May. Many political and religious leaders participated and condemned the Terror attack on the Churches and Hotels in Shrilanka. They also prayed for the departed souls and those people who are injured. Fr. Clary […]