Priests and the Religious gathered as a Team for a Day of Recollection in Bhalki on 7th February. Rev Fr P.I Thomas SDB, Moral Theology Professor, Chrsita Jyothi, B’lore) facilitated with a spiritual input.
Author: Fr Roshan Dsouza
Foundation Stone For Holy Family Chapel, Mugnoor (Jalasangi Mission)
Most. Rev Robert Miranda, Bishop of Gulbarga blessed and laid Foundation Stone for a Chapel at Mugnoor, Jalasangi Mission on 7thFebruary 2019. Rev. Fr Robert Crasta, The Director of Jalasangi Mission welcomed all the people. It was an unique experience as village leaders- Hindus, Muslims were also with us united in prayer. Bethany sisters along […]
Visit Of Rev. Fr Gustavo Agin SCJ :
Rev. Fr Gustavo Agin SCJ, the Superior General and the Regional Superior Rev. Fr Henryco SCJ made their canonical visit to the Betharam fathers on6th February 2019. those are working in our Diocese. Fr Satish SCJ the Director of Talmadige Mission accompanied them while meeting the bishop.
Triple Celebration
St. Francis Xavier Church, Sedam organized very meaningful triple celebration at Sedam on 3rd February 2019. The feast of St. Francis De sales, the Founder of MSFS Fathers, Family Day of the parish and also the Day of the Consecrated Life. Rev. Fr Lawrence Arun, The secretary of the Family Commission celebrated Holy Eucharist and broke […]
M. C. A Day Celebration At Bhalki Zone :
Bhalki Zone organised zonal level Missionary Childhood Association Day at Holy Redeemer Church, Bhalki on 2 -3 Feb . 93 children from different mission centres participated. Fr. Gerald Sagar, The secretary for Evangelization, , Fr Lawrence, Bro. Wilfred, Fr. Clary and Deepak were the resource person of the day. The whole programme was conducted under the […]
Bhakthi Sanjivini Koota – Ecumenical Retreat At Gulbarga
Joining the universal church, during the prayer week for Christian Unity, Karnataka United Christian Forum, Kalaburagi, took step forward to come togather and organize a three days Ecumenical Retreat at St. Mary’s School ground, Gulbarga on 25-27th January 2019. Most Rev Robert Miranda, Bishop of Gulbarga. Rev. Christopher David; District Superintendent, Central Methodist Church, and other pastor […]
MCA Day Celebration
Fr. Sunil Andrade, the Director of Christ the Kng Church, Ujini along with his mission team organized a parish level MCA day celebration at Ujini. Around 40 children were gathered from all the faith formation villages in this event. Children participated very well in the Eucharist celebration. They entered the altar along with the celebrants […]
Missionary Childhood Association Day Celebrations (Holy Childhood Association)
Chitapur, Jan 15: Gulbarga denary organised denary level Missionary Childhood Association Day celebration at Queen of Heaven Church, Chitapur. 97 children participated in the celebration. Fr. Anil Prasad, the Director of Aland Mission was the resource person of the day, spoke on the topic “Call to proclaim”. It was inspiring talk to our chidren. Fr. Roshan and […]
Bhalki Feast
Titular feast of Infant Jesus was celebrated at Holy Redeemer Church, Bhalki on 13th January 2019.word of God, Praise and Worship sacrament of Reconciliation made the parishioners have spiritual preparation for the feast. Rev. Fr Gerald Sagar, The Director of Itga Mission celebrated the Holy Eucharist and Fr Harry D’Souza preached meaningful homily. Cultural programme, was […]
The earnest support and Prayers all enriched the BHANDHAVYA 2019, the retreat of the couples . All felt it was an enormously blessed and spirit-filled event Some 120 couples participated in the spiritual event and felt the spiritual ‘welding’ effects of a Christian married partnership. It was evident that they experienced deep joy spiritual renewal […]