Humnabadh Mission News&Events Youth/ YSM

Youth Annual Retreat At ORBIT

The Commission for Youth   organised three days annual retreat for the Youths on 11-13th October 2019 at ORBIT, Humnabadh. Bishop of Gulbarga  inaugurated  the retreat and instructed the youth to grow  in holiness. Fr Clary, Fr. Gerald Sagar, Fr. Santhosh Bapu and Fr. Anil Prasad  preached this retreat to the youths. Around 125 youth were […]

Humnabadh Mission News&Events Social Development

Blind Walk On World Sight Day & Mental Health Day At ORBIT

The diocesan social development centre ORBIT, organized Blind Walk on the occasion of  World Sight Day on 10th October 2019 at Humnabad city. The program was conducted to create awareness about the problems of people with blindness, to create awareness on eye donation  and to encourage people to be kind and compassionate towards these differently abled […]

Humnabadh Mission

ORBIT Patroness St. Mother Theresa’s Feast & Rakta Runi 2019

The feast of Mother Theresa was celebrated in ORBIT on 5th Sep 2019. The programme began with meaningful Eucharistic celebration con-celebrated by five priests. The entire staff of ORBIT and some of the invitees too participated in the mass. Blood Donation Camp of ORBIT in honour of Mother Theresa, in collaboration with ICYM was inaugurated by […]

Humnabadh Mission News&Events

Capacity Building Programme For The Staff Of Orbit & Sevasangama

Two days residential training for the staff of ORBIT  and Sevasangama was held on 21st and 22nd of Aug 2019 at ORBIT. Two major training were on: Fund Raising: Various sources of fund availability and the mode to approach the funding foundations was introduced to the participants. The programme got concluded with the preparation of action plan for […]

Humnabadh Mission News&Events TALMADGI MISSION (1999)

Rakshabandhana Day In The Sub Jail ( Humnabad)

Rakshabandhana Day was celebrated at  the Sub Jail, Humnabadh by  the CRI members of Bidar Denary along with the Humnabad Zonal Team. Bethany English Medium School; Humnabadh,  Students of Shanthi Kiran Technical Institution and Talmadige Youth performed short meaningful programme on the theme: “Humanity is the best Religion”. Rev Fr. Gerald Sagar; the Zonal Leader, Fr Livin, President […]

Humnabadh Mission Parish News

‘ORBIT’ Staff Orientation

Three days long orientation programme was organized for the entire staff at ORBIT by Fr. Faustine Lobo, Coordinator of KRPP, a veteran in Social Work field for over three decades. The sessions covered the following topics: What is development/social development Developmental Approaches Work styles of social worker & the Desired type. Principles to be followed […]

Humnabadh Mission Parish News

Inauguration Of Navajeevana– Community Based Rehabilitation Of Mentally Ill Persons Project At ORBIT.

NAVAJEEVANA Project was officially launched on 29th June 2019 at ORBIT Humnabad. Dr. Abhijith, Psychiatrist from District Mental Health Programme inaugurated the Project on behalf of the District Health Officer (DHO) Fr. Stany Lobo, the Vicar General of Gulbarga Diocese, Fr. Faustine Lobo, Coordinator of Karnataka State Catholic Commissions Coordinator of KRPP and Sr. Zeena, Superior […]