Holy Childhood KALABURAGI 1962 News&Events

MCA Retreat At Gulbarga Deanery

The Members of the Missionary Childhood Association of Gulbarga deanery attended a day’s retreat at Mother of Divine Grace Cathedral, Gulbarga. Fr. Vincent Pereira, the GDES Secretary preached this retreat. Cultural competitions were also organised for the MCA Children. About 50 children were participated in these activities. Children experienced the spiritual blessing and God given […]

News&Events Youth/ YSM

“Youvajanothsava 2019” At Ballary:

11th Karnataka Regional Youth Convention was held in Arogya Mathe Shrine, Bellary from 24th –  27th Oct , 2019. The Convention was named as “YUVAJANOTSAVA 2019” with the theme “Youth Caring the Earth for a Better World”. The Convention began with the celebration of Holy Eucharist, there after Diocese-wise solemn procession began along with the Synod cross […]

Humnabadh Mission News&Events Youth/ YSM

Youth Annual Retreat At ORBIT

The Commission for Youth   organised three days annual retreat for the Youths on 11-13th October 2019 at ORBIT, Humnabadh. Bishop of Gulbarga  inaugurated  the retreat and instructed the youth to grow  in holiness. Fr Clary, Fr. Gerald Sagar, Fr. Santhosh Bapu and Fr. Anil Prasad  preached this retreat to the youths. Around 125 youth were […]

Humnabadh Mission News&Events Social Development

Blind Walk On World Sight Day & Mental Health Day At ORBIT

The diocesan social development centre ORBIT, organized Blind Walk on the occasion of  World Sight Day on 10th October 2019 at Humnabad city. The program was conducted to create awareness about the problems of people with blindness, to create awareness on eye donation  and to encourage people to be kind and compassionate towards these differently abled […]

News&Events Social Communications

Seminar On “Effective Communication And PR Skills At SANDESHA, Mangalore

Mangalore : Sandesha Foundation for culture and Education  in collaboration  with the Karnataka Regional Commission for Social Communication organized three days of Seminar on “Effective Communication and PR Skills” at Sandesha, Mangalore on 6-8th October 2019 for the representatives of all the dioceses of Karnataka state.  Dr. Edward Nazareth, inaugurated the session and spoke on the importance […]

Halbarga News&Events

Inauguration And Blessing Of Anugraha School At Halbarga

The new school building of Anugraha English Medium School was Inaugurated and Blessed  on Monday 9th September 2019 by V. Rev Fr. Alwyn Dais, the Provincial Minister of Order of Friars Minor  Capuchin, Holy Trinity  Province, Karnataka and Rev. Fr. Stany Lobo, the Vicar General of Gulbarga Diocese. Bhalki Poojya Basavalinga Pattadevaru, Sri Bandeppa Kashempur (MLA […]


Bibleothsava At Kristashrama, Kawadiyal

Fr. Santhosh Bapu, the Director, Bro. Reginald Pinto, The Regent  along with the mission team  organised a Bibleothsava at Kristashrama, Kawadiyal by reading the whole bible on 5th September. Rev. Fr. Deepak Furtado, The commission secretary for Catechetics and Bible celebrated the Inaugural Mass and read the first Chapter of Genesis.  Thanks to all the good […]