Youth, Education and Sponsorship Commissions jointly organized two days of Career Guidance programme at ORBIT on 7-8th May. More than 60 students of S.S.L.C and P.U.C participated. Thanks to Frs. Clevan Gomes, Vincent Thoras and Vincent Pereira for guiding the little once for future studies.
Physiotherapy And NLEP At Mother Theresa Hospital: Gulbarga.
Mother Theresa Charitable Hospital, organized Physiotherapy for the children with physical disabilities . 22 children benefited from this camp. Hospital has also started the care and treatment of the Leprosy Patients having ulcers. They are treated free of cost under the NLEP. A programme of 35 women health groups of the neighboring villages also went […]
Pre Cana At Orbit
Pre-cana course was organized by the Family Commission on 27- 28th April 2019 here at ORBIT. 42 candidates prepared themselves for the Sacrament of Marriage, Recourse persons of the day also did well. Their lessons were appreciated by the participants.
Vocation Camp
Vocation camp was organized by Fr. David D’Souza, the Rector of the minor seminary here at Kristashram, Kaudiyal on 25thApril 2019. 17 children benefited from the camp.
Inauguration Of The Journey Of The KRYC Cross
Bishop of Gulbarga inaugurated the Journey of the Cross here at Cathedral on 14th April 2019 by handing over the Karnataka Reginal Youth Convention Cross to Fr. Stany Goveas the parish Priest of Cathedral parish. It will be taken to parish to parish with the devotion and prayer by our youth.
Bishop Celebrated His 68th Birthday
On the occasion of 68th birthday of Bishop Robert Miranda, felicitation programme was organized at Sugyan, Pastoral centre along with the Children of Sankalpa Camp. In the morning a prayer service, and in the evening Bishop celebrated thanksgiving holy Eucharist with the priests along with a few pepole. After the mass a short felicitation programme […]
Chrism Mass
The Priests and Religious spent their Day in prayer and recollection at Cathedral on 11th April 2019 . Rev. Fr Praveen Harry D’Souza OFM, The Provincial superior of the OFM in India, gave an inspiring talk on the Passion of Christ. In the afternoon Religious joined for the talk on ‘Gaudete et Exsultate’ and the […]
Reporting Diocesan Pastoral Plan: Annual Evaluation
The Pastoral Plan Reporting of the Activities of Bidar, Gulbarga and Bijapur denaries took place on 2 and 3 April 2019 at Bhalki and Gulbarga respectively. The Commission review was also held at Gulbarga on 4th April 2019. Fr Stany Lobo, DPP Coordinator welcomed the Bishop and Fr. Faustine Lobo, The Regional Coordinator (KRPP). He also […]
The Joint Meeting Of Council Of Priests And Diocesan Pastoral Council
The Joint meeting of Council of Priests and Diocesan Pastoral Council held at Sugyan, Pastoral Centre on 21st March 2019. The resources persons Rev. Fr Milton Gabriel Gonsalves, the CCBI Secretary of the Family Commission spoke on the theme ‘Family Apostolate’ based on the encyclical ‘ Femiliaris Consortio’ by Jhon Paul II. Fr. Cleavon Gomes, The Secretary of Youth […]
Prerana & Sankalpa 2019
GDES (Gulbarga Diocesan Education Society) organized three weeks of Sankalpa Camp for the High School students at Sugyan on 26th March 2019. 90 + students participated and made best use of the opportunity. Children were given classes on Science, Maths and Spoken English by the qualified teachers . Afternoon they were also given faith formation, Motivational […]