The Religious Communities of Bijapur city (UFS, SJT, Cluny sisters and Jesuits) joined with Jesuit staff reaching out to the flood victims of chikapadasalagi village, Musuthi and Devoor near Muddebihal Taluka. They distributed essential items to the flood affected people. Nearly 11 villages are affected by floods.
Sneha Sadan School, Kankal Reopens
After the tragic incident and death of the student Akash Kumbar, 7th Std, Sneha Sadan School was closed as per the order of BEO. The doors of the school reopened officially on 17th July, 2019 in the presenceof the BEO, Tahsildar and others. Thanks to Sr Beena, Fr. Victor Vas, Sr. Elizabeth, Fr. Antonydas S.J for their unfailing […]
Domestic Workers Day Celebration At Vijayapura
Social action center and Non-formal Educational Institute of Bijapur Mission, jointly organised and celebrated the world domestic workers day on 17th June 2019 at Bijapur city. A peaceful rally was also organised and around 200 domestic workers took part in it. Fr Balaraj S.J submitted the memorandum to DC on behalf of all the domestic […]
Denary Level Mission Orientation At Bijapur Mission
Mission Orientation for the priests and sisters of Bijapur deanery was held at Maitry, Bijapur on 16th June 2019. Rev. Fr Faustine Lobo, Co-ordinator KRPP and PRO, KRCBC was the main speaker of the day, who concinced the participants of the need of Proclamation and Evangelization. Bishop, Fr. Stany Lobo, Fr. Anil Prasad were other resource […]
Ramzan Celebration At Vijayapura (Bijapur)
The Mission team of Vijayapura organised Ramzan Feast with our Muslim brethren at Vijayapura City on 12thJune 2019. Sri. Yogeshwari Matha, Aroda Mata Janab Ismail Abarari, Abubakkar Mashchid were present on the dais as the chief guests and Fr. Antony Das, S.J Presided over the programme. Children enacted the skit where they brought out the message […]
Inauguration Of Year Of Youth:
Bishop of Gulbarga announced and invited all the Youth, Parish Priests, and Religious to inaugurate the year of Youth on 9th June, on Pentecost Sunday. All over the diocese the Year of Youth was inaugurated very meaningfully displaying the Logo. Thanks to Fr. Clevan Gomes, The secretary for the commission of Youth.