The Annual Sports Meet of St Xavier’s PU College Sirnoor was held on 01 November, 2021. The Students with much enthusiasm coupled with a great deal of planning, practice and hard work made it a memorable one. The one day sports meet involved the enthusiastic participation of all the students of I and II PUC. The students actively participated in both track and field events. Field event like Shot Put, Basket Ball and Volley Ball were conducted both for boys and girls. Indoor games like chess, Table-Tennis and Carom Board were taken up by both boys and girls. Most Rev Robert Michael Miranda bishop of Gulbarga, Very Rev Stany Lobo, the Vicar General of Gulbarga diocese and Rev Fr Melwin Mendonca SJ the principal of St Xavier’s PU College were present at the valedictory function. The ground was filled with cheer, gaiety and excitement as each event’s results were announced. Bishop awarded the winners of the various events with trophies, medals and certificates.