Anti-Human Trafficking Day at Santpur

As part of the World Anti-Human Trafficking Day, an awareness program was organized for Catholic women of Bidar Deanery on 30 July 2023 at Holy Cross Church Santpur, to bring social awareness among women. The women of Bidar Parish led the group in the prayer service. This was followed by a welcome address by Sr. Rajani SRA, regional secretary. Dr. Sr. Mariola BS, Sr. ReenaSSpS, and Mrs. Mangala Bhagvat were the resource persons of the day enlightened by their inspirational talks.

Mrs. Mangala Bhagvat a well-known feminist spoke to a group of women about women’s role in the family and society today. She mentioned in her speech that women can hold various responsibilities in the family. They play a crucial role in family well-being. Dr. Sr. Mariola BS, a human rights activist from Mangalore addressed the gathering. She explained that women and children are victims of sexual assaults, abuse, and crimes. She also mentioned how women must know crimes occurring within their families and society.

The third session was on women’s role in the Church by Sr. Reena SSpS. She mentioned that as Catholic women and disciples of Jesus, we too have a significant role to play in the family and society. Taking St. Monica’s example, we are responsible for the upbringing of children, uniting the family in prayer, being supportive and caring mothers, reaching out to our neighbors in difficult times, and becoming responsible members of the parish community by taking responsibility for our children.

Holy Eucharist was celebrated by Fr. David and he emphasized the qualities of a woman and mother in the family and the need to treasure these qualities within her. He thanked all the women for their role in the family and church. He asked them to become responsible women in the family and society.

At the end, Sr. Reena D’Souza SspS thanked everyone for their participation. The program was attended by nearly 140 women.

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