Bible And Liturgy
Secretary: Fr David D’Souza Gulbarga,
Joint Secretary: Sr Amala Shanthappa SCCG Gulbarga.
Core Group: Fr Santhosh Dias Gulbarga, Sr Anisha Pinto UFS Shahapur, Mrs Elizabeth Regie Gulbarga, Fr Joseph Praveen Gulbarga, Bro Aron Vas Gulbarga, Sr Fathima B.S Gulbarga. Fr Clary D’souza Bhalki, Fr Stany Goveas Shahabad.
“The Faithful are to be instructed with special care in Sacred Scripture, so that they may acquire an insight into the whole of Sacred Scripture” (Can. 252, #2).
In the Dogmatic Constitution of the Second Vatican Council on Divine revelation (Dei Verbum, meaning Word of God), we read, “For God sent His Son, the eternal Word, who enlightens all men, so that He might dwell among men and tell them the innermost realities about God (Jn1:1-18). Jesus Christ therefore the Word made flesh, sent as a “man to men” speaks the Word of God (Jn. 1:34) and completes the work of salvation which His Father gave Him to do (Jn. 5:36; 17:4) (DV, 4).
In recent times, Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (the Joy of the Gospel), while stressing on the relevance of the Word of God today, says: “proclaiming the Gospel message to different cultures also involves proclaiming it to a professional, scientific and academic circles. This means an encounter between faith, reason and science with a view to developing new approaches and argument on the issue of credibility, a creative apology which would encourage a greater openness to the Gospel on the part of all” (EG, 132).
While continuing his insights on the relevance of the Word of God, He says: “I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, (especially unfailingly each day), to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus. No one should think that this invitation is not meant for him or her, since no one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord, “The Joy of the Gospel”. This is the joy which we experience daily, amid the little things of life, as a response to the loving invitation of God our Father” (EG. 2)
It is in this present challenging context and time of crisis the Commission for Bible is called upon to respond and to guide the faithful to read the Word of God, honour and revere the Word of God by understanding the importance of the Word in their life and live by the statutes proposed in the Scriptures adhered to a happy life.
VISION: A Christian Community living & witnessing the Word of God.
MISSION: Enlightened and transformed by the Word of God the Christian Community lives & proclaims the Word.
GOAL: Community lives & proclaims the Word of God.
Objective 1: By the end of 2024, all catholic families possess a copy of Bible and regularly read the Word of God on a daily basis.
- All families have at least one copy of Bible.
- Thirst for the Word of God is seen among the people listening to the Word of God.
- Well prepared Homilies are preached by Priests and Religious.
- Bible enthronement in the families.
- Commission will provide altars to poor families in villages for Bible enthronement.
- Commission orders and supplies the copies as per requirements.
- Distribution of Bible copies.
- Commission encourages the spread of Word of God through social media, like Whatsapp groups etc in all the parishes and mission stations.
- Along with Commission for Youth, Family and Proclamation (MCA) Bible Quiz is organised.
- Fund Mobilising and subsidies.
Objective 2: By 2024, all the families carry the Bibles to the Church & BEC.
- People are seen bringing the Bibles to Church and using it during readings and homilies
- People carry the Bibles to the Church/Gudis/Retreats and BEC regularly.
- Celebration of the Bible Sunday.
- One of the Sundays of the month adoration with preaching of Word of God is done after the Mass.
- Mobilise people to attend Online Bible courses.
Objective 3: By 2024, the Diocese will have Bible Museum in appropriate place.
- Well-equipped Bible Museum is established.
- People visit Bible Museum.
- A team is in place to plan and implement a Bible Museum in appropriate place.
- Collecting Resources for Bible Museum. (Material and funds)
- Commission for liturgy
Secretary: Fr David D’Souza Gulbarga,
Joint Secretary: Sr Amala Shanthappa SCCG Gulbarga.
Core Group: Fr Santhosh Dias Gulbarga, Sr Anisha Pinto UFS Shahapur, Mrs Elizabeth Regie Gulbarga, Bro Aron Vas Gulbarga, Sr Fathima B.S Gulbarga. Fr Joseph Praveen Gulbarga. Fr Clary Dsouza Bhalki, Fr Stany Goveas Shahabad.
The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium directs, educates and demands the clergy and the faithful to prepare well for the celebration of the liturgy. The liturgical reforms initiated by the Second Vatican Council were received with great enthusiasm because it ensured that the liturgy is celebrated devoutly, faithfully with the deep sense of sacredness. The Sacrosanctum Concilium, desires and invites the faithful for active participation:
Mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to the full, conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy, and to which the Christian people “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a redeemed people” (1Pet 2:9,4-5) have right and obligation by reason of their baptism (SC 14).
The Bishop, considered to be High Priest of his flock has a responsibility to guide and help all members of the faithful to celebrate and live the liturgy to its fullest (Cf. SC 41). The parish priests animate and celebrate the liturgy in the parishes with due planning and preparation. They are to encourage and guide the faithful for full, active and conscious celebration:
With zeal and patience pastors of souls must promote the liturgical instruction of the faithful and also their active participation, both internal and external, taking into account their age, condition, way of life and standard of religious culture. By so doing pastors will be fulfilling one of the chief duties of the faithful dispenser of the mysteries of God, and in this matter they must lead their flock not only by word but also by example (SC 19).
The liturgical renewal brought out by the Second Vatican Council has not been practiced still in some parishes and there is a need of re-launching of the liturgical renewal. Everyone should be made to realize the importance of liturgy as the source and summit of Christian life and the mission of the Church (cf. Lumen Gentium 11).
VISION: A vibrant Worshipping and Celebrating community.
MISSION: Towards achieving full, conscious and active participation in liturgical celebrations.
Goal: Meaningful and participatory Liturgy leading to God – experience.
Objective1: All parish priests will administer the Sacraments regularly as per the norms of the Church (Baptism, Holy Communion, Marriage Rectification and prepare for Confirmation) by 2022.
- Infant Baptism will take place in all parishes/missions/villages at least three times a year.
- Holy Communion will take place all parishes/missions/villages every year.
- Marriage Rectification take place twice a year.
- Confirmation will take place during pastoral visits.
Parish priests update the list of candidates for the above Sacraments and fixes appropriate dates in their respective year plan as per the suggestion of the Commission.
Objective 2: By 2024, every parish/mission in the diocese has a Liturgical Team that helps to celebrate liturgy meaningfully.
- The list of members of the Parish Liturgical Team is available in all the parishes.
- The Secretary and his team for liturgy trains and monitors the parish liturgical teams at the zonal or parish level.
- Secretary for the Commission for Liturgy updates the clergy and religious of the amendments in the liturgical celebrations and motivates them for the formation of Parish Liturgical Team.
- Parish Liturgical Teams will be formed in every parish.
Objectives 3: By 2023, well trained Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Choir and Lectors are serving in all the parishes/missions.
- Better discipline and order among all the Ministers assisting in the Liturgy (Choir, Lectors and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion)
- Liturgical Norms are followed in liturgical singing in all parishes/missions.
- Local Bhajans are given due importance in the liturgical and Para liturgical celebrations.
- Formation of Bhajan Groups at every parish level.
- Proclamation of the Word of God becomes more effective in the liturgical celebration.
- Training programmes are conducted at the Parish and Zonal level for extraordinary ministers, choir and Lectors.
- Bhajan competitions are held at the Jathra and other festival with the attractive prizes.
- A Team consisting of experts in liturgy is constituted which monitors the celebration of the events according to official norms.
- Formation of the preacher team and an intercessory team at the diocesan level.
- The new Lectionary and Missal shall be used in all the parishes and missions.
Objective 4: By 2024, Formation of Altar servers (Boys & Girls) group in all the parishes/missions of the diocese. (GIRM 100)
- The Altar Servers will understand the importance of their role in the liturgical celebrations.
- The appropriate guidance about their role, duties and responsibilities will help them to keep the decorum and attire in the sanctuary.
- Uniformity in Altar Server’s dress is observed.
- The formation of Altar Servers with regular training
- Altar Servers meetings are conducted every week in all the parishes/missions.
- Altar Servers annual day celebrated in all parishes.
Objective 5: By 2024, The Roman Rituals of the sacraments are made available in Kannada.
- The newly translated rituals of the sacraments are used in all the parishes.
- Priests and laity celebrate the sacraments actively and meaningfully.
- Health
- Proclamation And Evangelization, Holy Childhood
- Bible And Liturgy
- Catechetics
- Laity
- Women
- Family Life
- Small Christian Communities
- Youth/ YSM
- Ecumenism And Dialogue
- Social Development
- Education
- Social Communications
- Justice And Peace SC/ST
- Labour
- Prison Ministry
- Sponsorship Programme
- Vocations And Formation