

Secretary: Fr David D’Souza Gulbarga,

Joint Secretary: Sr Amala Shanthappa SCCG Gulbarga.

Core Group: Fr Santhosh Dias Gulbarga, Mrs Elizabeth Regie Gulbarga, Fr Joseph Praveen Gulbarga, Bro Aron Vas Gulbarga, Fr Clary Dsouza Bhalki, Fr Stany Goveas Shahabad. Sr Fathima B.S Gulbarga.


In the Apostolic Exhortation Catechesi Tradendae of Pope John Paul II, on Catechesis in our Time, stresses on the fact that, the “catechesis” must often concern itself not only with nourishing and teaching the faith, but also with arousing it unceasingly with the help of grace, with opening the heart, with converting, and with preparing total adherence to Jesus Christ on the part of those who are still on the threshold of faith. The concern will, in part, decide the tone, the language and the method of “catechesis” (CT, 9).

Continuing further, the document enumerates the importance of Catechesis stating, “The specific character of catechesis, as distinct from the initial conversion bringing proclamation of the Gospel, has the twofold objective of maturing the initial faith and of educating the true disciple of Christ by means of a deeper and more systematic knowledge of the person and the message of our Lord Jesus Christ (CT, 49). In our mission diocese, catechetics plays an important role of announcing the Good News and also making people, young and old grow deeper in faith they have just received. We must remember, out catholic community is an infant community where all the parents also need to be rooted in faith as most of them do not have a catholic or Christian background.

VISION: A Christian Community actively witnessing to its faith.


  1. On-going Catechesis to initiate and nurture Christian faith among all, particularly the newly received.
  2. Christians witnessing to their faith in their life.

GOAL: Christian Community deeply rooted in faith and powerfully witnessing to Christ.


Objective 1: By 1st June, 2021, the new Sunday and School Catechism and Value Education Text Books are used in all the parishes/missions and institutions.


  1. On Sundays children carry catechism books to the church.
  2. The Commission will provide the Sunday Catechism books to all missions and parishes in the diocese.





  1. Make the Catechism text books available at Sugyan the Diocesan Pastoral Centre by mid-May.
  2. Annual Sunday Catechism Exams are conducted at the Diocesan level based on the new books and the toppers (4th and above) awarded.


Objective 2: By the beginning of June, 2022, the Sunday Catechism for Youth (PUC and above) is conducted in all the parishes/missions of the diocese.


  1. The Catholic youth know the content of the YouCat and DoCat.
  2. Youth are volunteering to teach catechism to the primary school children.


  1. Make the YouCat and DoCat books (Youth Catechism) available at the diocesan Center by the end of March 2022.
  2. Parish/mission wise catechism classes held for all the parish/mission youth.

Objective 3: By the end of September 2021, all the Catechism teachers will undergo              training in catechetics.

  1. Sufficient numbers of trained catechism teachers are available in the parishes/missions.
  2. There is an increase in the number of the Catechism teachers who attend the diocesan level training.
  3. Children who attend the Sunday Catechism have a behavioural change, show better understanding and results.


  1. The diocesan Catechetical Resource Team which trains the Catechism Teachers of various parishes will be formed with at least two representatives from each Deanery.
  2. The Secretary, along with his Catechetical Resource Team, visits the parishes/missions and monitors Catechism classes.

Objective 4: The rite of receiving the Catechumens is followed in all the parishes/missions by the end of 2022.


  1. Catechumens desirous of being received into the catholic faith are preparing ardently for Baptism.


  1. All parish priests keep the list of Catechumens ready and plan for the rite of receiving them as Catechumens.