The Newly Built Church At Jalasangi Dedicated To Our Lady Of Good Health

The newly built church at Jalasangi dedicated to Our lady of Good Health (Aarogya Mathe Mandir), and Maria Ashram Presbytery were inaugurated on 15 July 2020 by Most Rev. Robert Miranda, Bishop of Gulbarga. Bishop proclaiming the Word of God on Blessed Virgin Mary, observed how she became the embodiment of the temple of the Lord. The generous donors and the special guests were honored by Fr. Robert Crasta, the Director of Jalasangi Mission during the felicitation ceremony. The Bishop expressed his gratitude to Fr. Robert Crasta for his untiring service at Jalasangi and bringing the work to completion. The faithful, though few in number due to pandemic celebrated the event  with  great honor to our Lady of Good health and prayed for the suffering world.


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