Solemnly, the parishioners along with the Parish Priest of St Ann Church, Wadi celebrate the feast of St Ann, the patron of their parish. A three-day spiritual retreat was held on 23-25 July 2022 as a spiritual preparation. Brothers Ignatius and Robert helped people experience God through effective preaching and adoration. The main celebrant was Reverend Fr Wilbert Vinay Lobo, Director of Chinncholli Mission. He prayed over the faithful during the Holy Eucharist. Rev Fr Lawrence Arun, The Director of Holy Cross Mission, Santhpur, preached the Word of God. Fr Santhosh Dais, the Dean of Gulbarga Deanery conducted the Novena and Lowered the festal flag. Fr Roshan D’Souza, the Parish Priest thanked and food was served to all.