Education Parish News WADI MISSION (1970)

St. Ambrose High School’s New Building Officially Opened and Blessed

Wadi, July 10, 2024– The newly constructed St. Ambrose High School building was officially inaugurated and blessed 10 July 2024 in a ceremony attended by numerous dignitaries and community members.

The event was presided over by Most Rev. Dr. Robert Miranda, Bishop of Gulbarga, alongside Very Rev. Sr. Margaret Fathima, Assistant Superior General; Very Rev. Sr. Celine, Regional Superior; Fr. Rosha D’Souza, Parish Priest; Sr. Gracy, Superior of St. Ambrose Convent; and Sr. Vasantha, Headmistress of St. Ambrose High School. The esteemed guests were led to the new building by the school band.

Rev. Sr. Margaret Fathima inaugurated the school, followed by the unveiling of the commemorative plaque by Sr. Celine. Bishop Miranda then blessed the new school building in the presence of the attending clergy and guests.

Following the inauguration, Bishop Miranda celebrated the Holy Eucharist and delivered a homily emphasizing the importance of education as a foundational element in the lives of students. He drew on the teachings of Jesus, highlighting the necessity of building life and homes on solid rock, as described in the Bible.

A brief felicitation program was held after the Mass. The chief guests were honored with shawls and mementos. Additionally, the architect, Mr. Alan D’Souza of Mangalore; the contractor, Mr. Wasim Patel; the engineer, Mr. Sohel; along with painters, electricians, and plumbers were recognized and presented with gifts by Sr. Celine.

The ceremony marked a significant milestone for the St. Ambrose community, underscoring a commitment to providing quality education and fostering a strong foundation for future generations.


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