News&Events Social Development

Carmel Seva Trust Marks Milestone with Inauguration of New Mobile Resource Center

August 17, 2024, the Carmel Seva Trust in Bidar celebrated a major achievement with the launch of its new Mobile Resource Center. This state-of-the-art vehicle, generously donated by the Fernandes Foundation from the USA, is poised to revolutionize how programs for children are delivered and enhance awareness about various societal issues throughout the region.

The event kicked off with a warm welcome from Sr. Maria Reetha, setting a positive tone for the occasion. Fr. Wilson Fernandes, parish Priest of St Joseph Church, Bidar then led a prayer and blessing for the vehicle, underlining its mission to serve the community effectively.

Sr Christine Misquith AC provided a detailed overview of the Mobile Resource Center’s development, from its initial concept to its current reality. The ceremonial ribbon-cutting was conducted by Sr. Shamitha AC, the Provincial Superior of Karnataka Province. She highlighted the initiative’s aim to improve lives, deliver essential services, and foster community welfare.

Dr. Vivek Nimbure emphasized the center’s role in boosting accessibility, flexibility, and efficiency in service delivery. Fr. Clary, Dean of Bidar Deanery, spoke on the importance of this project for maintaining continuous service to rural areas.

Fr. Satish Fernandes OFM Cap, Director of Vimukti Charitable Trust Raichur, who played a key role in the vehicle’s design and completion, hailed it as a vital tool for reaching underserved communities. He also expressed his gratitude to all who contributed to the project’s success. Fr. Satish and Sr. Shamitha were honored for their steadfast support and encouragement of the Carmel Seva Trust’s initiatives.

The event drew a diverse crowd, including members of the Don Bosco Fathers, AC Sisters, St. Joseph PPC, CST staff, local youth and women, MCA Commission office bearers, representatives of SHGs, and other supporters, showcasing the broad community backing and enthusiasm for this new resource.

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