The Secretary of the Commission for SCC Fr. Vincent Thoras Organised Diocesan SCC Animators Training Programme at Sugyan on 10-11 August 2019. Rev. Fr. George Lobo, Regional Director of SCC, Rev Fr. Joachim Fernandes, The Secretary of the Commission for SCC at Mangalore Diocese, and Mr. Francis, the Regional Deputy Secretary for SCC were the […]
PPC Workshop At Gulbarga And ORBIT:
The workshop on the Role of Evangelization by the laity was organised on 3 and 4th August 2019 at Kalaburagi and ORBIT respectively by the Laity Commission. UCPI Team headed by Mr. Vijay and his team took up the sessions on united Prayer and action. They presented the five steps for the evangelization. They are, a) Pray […]
Review Cum Planning Meeting Of The Commission For Women
Review cum planning meeting of the commission for women took at Sugyan on 30th July 2019. Sr. Nancy Lobo FMM, the new secretary for women’s commission moderated the meeting. There were 29 participants. Bishop Robert Miranda and Fr, Stany Lobo the Vicar General were present. Fr. Stany Lobo extended a warm welcome to each one present […]
Water Wheel To Villagers
Mother Theresa Charitable Hospital celebrated independence day joining hands with the Government School, Kannadagi Village, Uplaon 20 women were given water wheelers with the help of Rotarians. They also have adopted the village school in order to make it functional.
Cataract Eye Screening Camp At MTCH
Mother Theresa Charitable Hospital, Uploan in collaboration with the Jilla Panchayath Health and Education standing committee for surgeries organised National Programme for control of blindness (NPCB) at on 19th July 2019 as well as 2nd August 2019. Around 60 people benefited and 12 people were chosen and underwent free cataract surgeries. Thanks to Fr. Santhosh Dais, the […]
Diocesan Level Mission Orientation Programme
The Diocesan Level Mission Orientation Programme was held on 14th June 2019 at Sugyan the dioceses pastoral centre . 92 participants (Priests and Sisters) from all the four districts took part in this programme. The Programme began with a Praise and Worship conducted by Fr Vincent Pereira. Bishop Robert addressed the gathering and stressed the importance […]
Inauguration Of Year Of Youth:
Bishop of Gulbarga announced and invited all the Youth, Parish Priests, and Religious to inaugurate the year of Youth on 9th June, on Pentecost Sunday. All over the diocese the Year of Youth was inaugurated very meaningfully displaying the Logo. Thanks to Fr. Clevan Gomes, The secretary for the commission of Youth.
Education Commission- Orientation Programme:
The Commission for Education organised a day’s Seminar for all the Managers, HMs, Principals & Clerical Staffs of Catholic Institutions at Sugyan, Pastoral centre , Gulbarga on 8th June 2019 . Bishop in his introductory talk spoke about the Education Policy of the Church. Resource persons Dr Chandrashekar S Principal of Siddharth Law College spoke about […]
The Diocesan Level CRI Meeting At Kalaburagi :
The CRI meeting at the diocese level took place on July 6th at 10 a.m at Sugyan Gulbarga. It was attended by 65 members from four districts. The President of CRI Fr Antony Das S.J Mission Superior of Jesuits in Vijayapura, CRI Secretary Sr Rochana CSST of St Joseph Convent Gulbarga have organized this meeting. Bishop Robert […]
Orientation Programme For Teachers
GDES and St. Joseph’s School jointly organised an Orientation Programme for the Teachers of Religious and Diocesan Educational Institution in Gulbarga deanery at Mother Theresa Hall Gulbarga on 31st May 2019. The programme was inaugurated by Bishop and Resource Person Mr Jairaj, the Principal of Diploma College. Fr Vijayraju the Parish Priest of Mother of Divine Grace […]