Bhalki Parish News&Events Proclamation And Evangelization

Suvarthe Chinnara Ustava 2020

The Diocesan level Missionary Childhood association members meet Suvarthe Chinnara Ustava 2020 was held on 25-26 Jan 2020 at Infant Jesus Shrine, Bhalki. Chinnara Ustava began at 6.00 pm on 25th  with the prayer service after which  children in groups presented themselves with various cultural activities. Fr. Faustine lobo, the Regional coordinator was the chief guest of the day interacted the children and shared his insights on  Evangelisation.  Fr. Clary D’Souza, Sr. Pooja and Dn. Nelson Menezes, Bellary  were other  resource persons.  Bishop of Gulbarga presided over the holy Eucharist and honoured the children during the felicitation programme. 467 children participated in the event and Fr. Gerald Sagar, the coordinator of MCA organised   this event along with his team.

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