‘Where your treasure is, there would go your heart.’ The treasure late Bishop Basil found was in Bidar Mission. He loved the Bidar mission heart and soul. Bidar, the northern part of Karnataka is also the most backward district of karnataka . The dream of Bishop Basil was being fulfilled on 12thJune 1990. It marks the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Bidar Mission. Under the protection of our Blessed Virgin Mary the fourth mission centre named Maria Ashram and Seva Ashram Convent were blessed and Inaugurated by Rt. Rev. Dr. Basil S. D’Souza Bishop of Mangalore at Jalasangi village near Humnabad.
I. Evangelization:
Frs. Francis, Maxim and Vernon and three Bethany sisters viz. Sr Loyoline, Sr Fidelis and Sr Meena with missionary zeal started serving this new mission in Jalasangi. With the help of Sisters of Charity and pastor Galappa, missionaries (priest and sisters) reached out to the villages:
1. Shadola 2. Ghatboral 3. Jalasangi 4. Chandanhalli 5. Sulthanbad Vadi 6. Handikera 7.Bannahalli 8. Kandugola 9. Sethalgera 10. Nimboor 11. Thugavm 12.Udbal 13. Chalkapur 14. Hipppargi. 15. Mugnoor 16. Kumar Chincholi. 17. Othgi 18. Madargaon and 19. Hippergaon
They Became one with people by their constant visits, conducting Bhajans, reading the Word of God and playing games with children, catechesis etc,. In the midst of all other sects our people had respect for Catholics. By the constant efforts of priest and sisters, people got attracted to Catholic Church and received Baptism. As the mission made progress around the locality priests volunteered to start new centers. Talmadige and Itga missions were started.
Chandanhalli, Sulthanbad Vadi, Thugav and Handikera have gone away from Catholic faith. At present Maria Ashram has 9 villages, and total number of Catholic families are 102 and number of Catholics 513. In 5 villages there is a Chapel for pepole to come together for Praise and Worship. There is a plan to build chapels at Mugnoor and Madargaon.
Looking at Bidar District is economically poor, and it’s low literacy rate. The mission team felt the need to educate the children. They moved with vigor to educate children in all the villages by sending them to the Chithapur and Bidar Hostels. Some children were encouraged to go to the Government schools. At Mariashram, Balasadan Hostel was started for the benefit of children. Many students were helped by Sponsors and GDES.
In the year 1998 Balasadan Hostel was converted to Child Labourers School. Children continue their studies at Balasadan were placed back. Training well at Maria Ashram they did very well in the government school.
Social Development:
Enthusiastic mission team along with Faith Formation moved to empower the women through Social Ministry. The mission was started to empower women by starting Self Help Groups under ORBIT. At present 49 SHGs function effectively. These SHGs have helped the women to build themselves and their families. Sufficient knowledge of Panchayat Raj was given and they contested in the election. Adult education was encouraged. With all these activity they are now able to take leadership in their villages.
The poor environment, bad geographic condition, low literacy rate have given the people very little job prospects. The health and hygiene of the people was in a poor state. There weren’t qualified doctors and hospitals in these villages. Lack of conveyance made difficult for them have access to the doctors. Leprosy rate in Bidar as per the senses of 1990 was 9 per 1000. In this situation Jalasangi mission team came forward & started ‘Dayakiran’-Rehabilitation Centre (June 20th 1992) to take care of leprosy patients; 20 inmates were well taken care. Medical service was reached out to the various villages through mobile clinic service, awareness programmes, street plays were conducted. In 1991 Maria Seva Clinic was started. Ever since, it has catered to the health of the general public especially from the villages.
Maria Seva health Centre is a place of hope for the hopeless. People come from 80 – 90 villages and also from other States with various diseases specially from skin diseases. They experience total healing. It’s miraculous! Patients are treated with much love and care. Necessary medicines are provided with cheaper and free of cost. Counseling is given to the patients when there is need. Along with treatment health education is given on prevention of diseases and promotion of health. Praying over the patients makes Seva Health Centre special, the hope of the hapless.
Jalasangi was the fourth centre of the Bidar Mission which brought the love of Jesus to the people of Bidar. In the year 1983 Bishop Basil S. D’Souza, the then Bishop of Mangalore invited the Bethany Sisters to collaborate with the Diocese in its missionary endeavours by opening a convent in Humnabad at Jalasangi.
In response to this invitation, initially Sr.Evangelista and Sr.Anet were sent to Bidar to team up with four other sisters belonging to different Congregations serving. On 12th June 1990 three Sisters, namely Sr. Loyaline B.S Sr. Fidelis B.S and Sr. Meena B.S began their mission at Jalasangi, Bidar. Since there was no residence at Jalasangi the Sisters were staying at Bhalki for same time.
On 1st November 1992 the new convent was blessed by Rt. Rev Bishop Basil D’souza and was named as Sevashram. Sr. Loyaline was appointed as first Superior. The Successive Superiors are Sr. Agnes Frank, Sr. Doris, Sr.Amitha, Sr. Flavia Wilma , Sr. Amala and now sr. precilla B.S Sisters faced various challenges, such as different climate, food, stay in the villages, caste system etc. But with faith they persevered in their mission. Today we see a vibrant community of the faithful at Maria Ashram.
Sisters catered to various Apostolates such as: 1. Evangelization (Faith Formation) 2. Education 3.Social Development 4.Medical.
Evangelization- Faith Formation:
With the help of Priests, Sisters of Charity and Pastor Galappa, the missionaries (priests and sisters) reached out to these following villages.
1.Shadola 2. Ghatboral 3.Jalasangi 4.Chandanhalli 5. Sulthanbad Vadi 6. Handikera 7.Bannahalli 8.Kandugola 9 Sithalgera 10.Nimboor 11.Thugaon 12.Udbal 13.Chalkapur 14.Hippargi 15.Mugnoor 16.Kumarchincholli 17 Othgi 18.Madangaon 19.Hippergaon By the untiring efforts of priest and sisters, people got attracted to Catholic Church and received Baptism. At Maria Ashram centre has got 9 villages under faith programme and a total number of 162 Catholic families with513 catholics. In 5 villages under faith programme. there are Chapels for people to come together for praise and worship. There is a plan to build Chapels in other villages too. We also have HCA, women cell, ICYM and SCC prayers in the villages which help people to grow in faith and Moral values.
- Education: At Maria Ashram Balasadan Hostel was started for the benefit of poor children. Sisters were teaching them various lesions and also moral values. By the constant efforts and encouragement of sisters, the students exceled in different fields of education. Today we have students doing Engineering, Medical, Nursing and D.ED, B.ED, etc. In the year 1998 Balasadan Hostel was convertedin to Child Laborer’s School. Children to help and rescue child laborers .
- Social ministry was started to empower women by starting Self Help Groups. At present 49 SHGs exist. These SHGs have helped the women to build themselves and their families. Sufficient knowledge of Panchayat Raj was given and some contested in the election. Adult literacy was encouraged. With these developments they were able to take leadership in the society.
- The leprosy rate in Bidar as per the Senses of 1990 was 9 per 1000. In this situation Jalasangi mission team started Dayakiran Rehabilitation centre on June 20th 1992 to take care of the leprosy patients. 20 inmates were well taken care. Medical service was reached out to the various villages through mobile clinic service, Health awareness programmes and street plays were conducted. In 1991 Maria Seva Clinic was started. Sr. Ena was in charge of the clinic. Ever since it has catered to the health of the general public specially from the surrounding (80 – 90) villages. Mainly treating patients with skin diseases. At present we have Dr. Sr. berignas continuing the noble mission of healing.
Our faithful in the villages are well developed. Sisters continue to give their best, building on what has been done by the previous generations of sisters.
Sub – Centres:
1. Maria Ashram Church Jalasangi (1990) C 18 F 5 Cat. F 0
2. St. John Church – Chalkapur (1992) C 151 F 32 Cat. F 1
3. Holy Cross – Kumar Chincholli C 48 F 10 Cat. F 1
4. St. Paul – Othagi C 126 F 25 Cat. F 0
5. St. Therese – Mugnoor C 62 F 12 Cat. F 0
6. St. Francis Xavier – Ghatboral C 62 F 12 Cat. F 0
7. St. Joseph – Madergaon C 36 F 9 Cat. F 0
8. Mother Theresa – Sedola C 10 F 2 Cat. F 1
9. St. Alphonsa – Hippergaon C 27 F 6 Cat. F 0
Maria Ashram School for the school drop-outs
Priest In-charge: Fr. Robert Crasta 9964002484
Convent: Bethany Sisters
Bethany Seva Ashram (1990)
Jalasangi P.O., Humnabad,
Bidar- 585 418
Superior: Sr Precilla Furtado 9901838216
Seva Ashram Dispensary
In-Charge: Sr. Benignus BS 9886490736