Social Development

Session On “Our Response To Current Indian Realities” By Rev Fr Cedric Prakash S.J

Session on the “Our Response to Current Indian Realities” was organised on Thursday 20th  February at Sugyan, the Pastoral Centre of the Diocese of Gulbarga. The eminent personality, Rev Fr Cedric Prakash S.J Director for Prashant Centre for Advocacy, Human Rights, Justice & Peace was the recourse person, who addressed the  Priests ,Religious and lay faithful of the diocese.  Bishop Robert Miranda presided over the session in his introductory speech expressed that it is providential that world day of justice is being observed today. There is so much turmoil in our society today and what should be our response and involvement so as to bring peace and justice.  Rev Fr Cedric Prakash S.J dealt about CAA, NPR & NRC and their far reaching consequences on the nation at large. It was a very good presentation and the questions and clarification of the participants clarified by the speaker. He called upon the participants to fight against the laws that are unconstitutional and against human rights. He also cautioned to be prudent in our involvement and support to the different groups. Fr Vincent Pereira thanked everyone who organized such a good programme and Fr Vincent Thoras facilitated the event.  Around 100 participants participated and benefitted from this session

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