Parish News

Bishops Visit To Three Villages Of Santhpur Mission

The faithful of Dupadamahagaon and Manigampur (both Old and New) Villages (Santhpur Mission) were delighted by the visit of Bishop on 17th March 2019. People expressed their Love and deep sentiment of reverence to the Bishop by giving him warm welcome and leading him in the procession to their respective chapels.  Temporary chapel at old Manigampur was blessed and inaugurated on this special occasion. Holy Eucharist was celebrated in the three villages. People were given an opportunity to express their views regarding their faith formation. Bishop congratulated Fr. David; The Director, Fr. Melvin Asst Director and Sisters of RNDM and Leaders of the Church for their tireless service. Bishop instructed the faithful regarding family prayer in the houses, Education of their Children ect.  Bishop also interacted with the Women Associations, MCA, Youth and Mission team.   Few houses of the sick people were visited and he prayed for their good health.


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