Blessing of the New Houses at Hulsoor

Sixteen new houses were blessed at Hulsoor, Basavakalyan by  His Grace, Most Rev Dr. Peter Machado, the Archbishop of Bangalore on17th  July 2021. Most Rev  Robert Miranda, Bishop of Gulbarga offered Thanksgiving Mass along with his Priests, Sisters and faithful. 

Bishop of Gulbarga in his address thanked all who were part of this project specially Milagres parish of Mangalore Diocese, who supported with finance to purchase the land, Archbishop Most Rev Dr Peter Machado the Archdiocese of Bangalore, for the  financial aid to build these houses, the former parish priests of Hulsoor Mission Rev Fr Joseph Rodrigues, Fr Clary Dsouza and the present parish priest, Fr Sunil Mankare for their contribution towards the growth of the mission.

Archbishop of Bangalore appreciated the efforts of the Bishop of Gulbarga and priests in bringing up the people in every way possible. Later he handed over the keys of the houses to the heads of the families.  Shivaanand Swamiji of  Hulsoor motivated people to keep the house holy, surrounding clean so that Jesus may feel happy to come and stay with them. Fr Clary, Fr Sunil Mankare and contractor, mason Mr Jeevan were honored by the Bishop. Fr Sunil Mankare, the director thanked everyone

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