
Catholic Association, Bidar Unit was inaugurated officially

Catholic Association, Bidar Unit was inaugurated officially in the diocese of Gulbarga on 25 September 2022 at Sacred Heart Church, Bidar. After proper instructions on the Vision, Goal, and Objectives of the Catholic Association new office bearers were elected. The following office bearers: Mr. Suresh Jamgi – President, Mrs. Shanta Sunder -Vice president, Mrs. Jhansi Sunil – Secretary, Yohan – deputy Sec, Mr. Praveen Paul – Treasurer, Ms. Glory Sam-Deputy Treasurer, Mrs. Rekha Santpur, Mr. Balaji Bhalki, Mr. Mahadev Muchalamb, Ms. Rebecca Ujini, – Executive Body members, Fr Wilson – Advisor. A good number of lay leaders from the bidar deanery were present and participated actively in the program.


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