On the auspicious day of August 5, 2024, the Bidar District Prison witnessed the grand inauguration of a computer training program, a noble initiative jointly organized by Don Bosco Fathers and Carmel Seva Trust, Bidar. The event was graced by the esteemed presence of Superintendent of Prisons, Dattatreya Medh, and Jailer T. B. Bajentri, who, as chief guests, addressed the assembly of participants. They extolled the virtues of this initiative, underscoring it as a remarkable opportunity for the inmates and urging them to make the most of this complimentary training.
In furtherance of this endeavor, representatives from the Don Bosco Industrial Training Institute, namely Fr. Maramattathil Sonychen Mathew SDB and Fr. Karakkatt Bibin Jose SDB, delivered motivational addresses, encouraging the students to embrace this learning opportunity with a positive and receptive mindset.
Adding to the gravitas of the occasion, Sr Maria Reetha, the esteemed unit director of Carmel Seva Trust, Bidar imparted words of encouragement, emphasizing the paramount importance of acquiring computer literacy in the modern era. She exhorted the inmates to approach their studies with fervor and enthusiasm. Sr Swaroopa AC and Sr Priya D’souza AC were also present, lending their support and blessings to this significant initiative.
This event marks a significant stride towards empowering the inmates with valuable skills, fostering a spirit of learning and self-improvement within the confines of the Bidar District Prison.