The Deanery Level Pastoral Councils met on the 10 July 2022 Sunday at 2.30 pm at the Mother Theresa Community Hall, Mother Divine Grace Cathedral, Gulbarga for the Gulbarga Deanery, and at Infant Jesus Shrine, Bhalki for the Bidar Deanery. Attendees of the meeting included parish priests, vice presidents, secretaries, and superiors of religious communities. Lay leadership and a Parish Action Plan were formulated at the meeting. Fr Santhosh Dais, dean of Gulbarga Deanery coordinated meetings at Gulbarga as well as Fr Clary D’Souza, the Dean of Bidar Deanery, coordinated the whole program at Bhalki. As part of the process, different groups were formed for discussion. Each group leader presented a report to the group. It was a fruitful discussion for the lay leadership in the Catholic church.