Estd: 29-08-1999
The evangelization work in Ujani village, which is 15 kilometers away from Santhpur, was started in the year 1995 by Fr Elias D’Souza the assistant at Santhpur with the help of Mr Samuel of Gudpally village with the four villages attached to Ujini, New centre ( Sub-centre) , viz, Gudpally, Nagur M, Sunkanal and Ujini. The need of making Ujini as a sub-centre was felt due to the distance from Santhpur, and to give focused attention for the faith formation and development activities in these villages.
Following Fr Elias, Bro. Stephen and Fr Peter Aranha served here in the year 1997. The other lay evangelizers who joined hands with Fr Elias were Mr Maruthi, and the Village leaders Mr. Havappa & Yeshappa. The sisters, belonging to the SRA community, who were responsible for the faith formation and development of the people at Ujini were Srs. Blaise, Daphne, Leena, Saroj and Rajani. After catechizing for about 3 years, the people at Ujini were received into catholic faith in the year 1997. At present there are 212 families (which are clustered in 59 houses) with a total population of about 1306 Catholics.
Yesu Kristalaya at Ujini was formally started as a sub-centre of Santpur mission in Bidar district in the year 1997. A small chapel just enough to hold a 100 people for worship was put up for the purpose of celebrating Eucharist. The church building “Yesu Kristalaya” was inaugurated on 29-08-1999 by Bishop Aloysius Paul D’Souza. On 12th September 1999 the center was formally erected by handing over the record books, vestements by Fr Harold Pereira, the Director of Santhpur mission to Fr Albert Crasta in the presence of V. Rev. Robert Michael Miranda, the Episcopal Vicar for Bidar Mission. Fr Albert Crasta was the pioneer to stay in this new mission along with Bro Harry and they selflessly served these villages. The SRA sisters from Santhpur also extended their help in the new mission. The new presbytery (the priests residence) “Sanjeevana” was inaugurated on 4th July 2001 and the entrance tower was inaugurated on 11th November 2002 by Bishop Aloysius Paul D’Souza. Premanjali High School, run by the sisters belonging to the Congregation of Queen of the Apostles (SRA) was started in the year 2004 in order to provide quality education to the children of the locality and surrounding villages. In order to provide boarding facility to the deserving catholic children from the villages, Jnanadeepa studuy Home was started in the church premises. The new school building situated close to the Church was inaugurated on 25th March 2006 by their Provincial Superior Sr Maria Goretti SRA. Premanjali Study Home for girls was also started in the convent premises.
In those years the congregation assembly was very small. No one expected that the new centre would make such rapid progress. As mission flourished, Ujini was carved as a separate mission centre. Hence the need of new church was felt and with the help of the diocese, the donors and the cooperation of the people, a beautiful new church was built and was inaugurated on 23rd May 2010 by Most Rev. Dr Robert Miranda, the bishop of Gulbarga. Today we have 1306 Catholics. The missionaries made progress and many other villages around Ujini were also identified and were taken up for evangelization. Khasempur village mission with a total of 13 families received into catholic faith in the year 2007 was started in the year 1999 and Beldal village mission with a total of 18 families received into catholic faith in the year 2009 was started in the 2000.
In order to foster devotion to Blessed Virgin Mary, a beautiful Grotto was constructed with the support of Mr Mark Oliver D’Souza from Bajpe, a devotee of Mother Mary. The construction work began on 24th July 2014 and completed on 31st July 2015. It was inaugurated by Most Rev. Dr Robert M Miranda, the Bishop of Gulbarga on feast of Assumption of Our Lady on 15th August 2015.
The Church is situated right in the midst of a big village, caters to the people in other villages. Though people of other religions predominantly inhabit the village, The parish had made significant impact upon everyone and is one of the fastest growing parishes in the diocese. The parish has shown signs of model parish in the area for the following reasons:
- It is established in the midst of people of other religious and has become “leaven” to such people. Located in the village (Ujini)there is a sizable number of children and elders present for daily mass and a bigger number on Sundays.
- There are several catholic youth present in the parish who apart from involving in other activities have formed a group and contribute towards a lively liturgical services in the parish.
- The parish runs a Study Home for catholic students and all the children in the boarding are present for daily mass.
- The Queen of the Apostle Sisters (SRA) have established a High School which is placed close to the parish and this also gives an opportunity to evangelize several youths of the area
- There is a great scope for starting new institutes in the line of education and this will give the parish various opportunities to proclaim Good news.
- The parish had initiated several outreach programs for the people of other religions like watershed program for farmers, community organization program for women, special coaching classes for various students, etc. which have brought the entire village closer to the parish and this has given an opportunity to proclaim God’s love to them. The people of other religions participate in our religious celebrations like Christmas and retreats in good number.
Fr Albert, the first director of the mission, had developed close contact with all the people in the area. People of all religion still cherish his leadership. Following him, Fr Cyril lobo and Fr. Jagadish worked hard building the people of God. The present director Fr. Sunil Andrade with his team members, is making sincere efforts to unite all Christians and making strong in faith.
Various programs held in the Centre:
» Vidya Vikas Program (later Balajyothi Program),
» Children Clubs,
» Kiru Pushpa Yuvathi Sangha
» Mahila Mandal, (later SHGs)
» Women’s Day, Vanamahotsava Celebrations
» Community Health Awareness Programs
» Social awareness video Shows
» Religious Film Shows
» Bible Magic
» Summer Camp for the Children
» Excursions for the Children and youth
» Participation in Jeevan Jyothi camps
» Shramadhan for the construction of the Chrurch building
» Christmas, Easter, Church feasts, and other feasts celebration with meaningful liturgy, cultural programs , carols etc.
» Quiz and Bhajan Competions
» Snehakoota
» Cricket matches and other games competitions
» Trainings to the Parish Pastoral council
» Retreats
» Celebration of Sacraments – Confirmation, Adult baptisms,
» Youth get-together, ICYM, YCS/YSM
» Sponsorship Program – Bala Milana, Parents get together
» Missionary Childhood Association etc. Etc…
» Use of Toilet (awareness) and Toilet facility in every house (Successful)
» Free Zone Alcohol (Successful)
» All land documents are in the name of the Church.
All these go on to show that Ujini Parish is a cradle of Christian faith and it has great potential to carry forward the evangelization work to its full potential in the days to come.
Details of the Chapels/Villages:
Name of the chapel | Village | Estd. | No. of Catholic Families | No. of Catholics |
Christ the King | Nagur M | 1992 | 27 | 200 |
Holy Cross | Gudpally | 1993 | 39 | 292 |
St Thomas | Sunkanal | 1995 | 22 | 159 |
Christ the King | Ujani | 1999 | 81 | 451 |
Sacred Heart | Khasempur | 2009 | 13 | 93 |
Holy Spirit | Beldal | 2012 | 26 | 123 |
Total | 6 | 208 | 1318 |
Particular | Number of Units | Total Number |
P.P.C | 6 | 48 |
S.C.C | 6+2 | All |
M.C.A | 6 | 117 |
ICYM | 3 | 71 |
Women Cell | 1 | 27 |
Alter Servers | 1 | 35 |
‘’Hope is the key that can open doors to the new view. With hope we can see the bright star in the darkest of skies’’.
The missionary Sisters of the Queen of the Apostles (S.R.A.) started mission centre in Ujani village of Aurad Taluka in the year of 2003. Aurad Taluka is a back ward area in Bidar District. Ujani is a remote place. In order to bring new hope in the life of these people Sr. Maria Goretti took the drastic step to render service at Ujini village.
Premanjali Convent Ujini started on 7th June 2003. Ujini was earlier the substation of Santhpur mission. Since it is 15.k.m. away from Santhpur and it was difficult to manage, the Episcopal Vicar Rev. Fr. Robert Miranda requested the Provincial Sr. Maria Goretti to begin the mission centre at Ujini. Since there was no house Fr. Albert Crasta, the director of Ujini Mission gave the accommodation in the church sacristy. The first pioneers were Sr. Ezilda , Sr. Sylvi , Sr. Kavitha and Sr. Ancilla. The successive superiors are Sr. Ezilda (2003-2006) Sr.Shalini(2006-2009) Sr. Ezilda (2009-2012) and Sr. Sandeepa. (2012-2015) Sr.Archana(2015 – ). On 19th May 2004 the foundation for convent was laid.
According to the need of the people and support of the Parish Priest, on 1stJune 2004 the school from 8th Standard, was started in the parish hall by Sr. Joel, the Correspondent and the first Headmistress Sr. Adrian (2004-2006)along with the staff members Mr. Krishnamoorthi, Naik, Govind Kamble and others worked very hard for the betterment of the School. Thereafter Sr. Shalini (2006-2009), Sr. Vanditha (2009) were the Head Mistress. Sr Archana joined in 2015. At present the school has 165 Students.
Study Home for Girls:
At Ujaini, the girl child was often becoming the victim of early marriages and they were deprived of education. They were kept back at home to look after their siblings and for house hold work. To provide them quality education along with moral values, hostel, facility for girls was started. In 2006, the Premanjali study Home was started . Since the building was under construction, 28 boarders were accommodated in the school hall. On 15th June 2007, the boarding girls were shifted to the newly built boarding. Sr. Prashanthi SRA takes care of these girls as the Animator.
The Milestone that we were able to achieve :
- 6 villages were reached out, along with the priests and brothers.
- The villages are; Ujani, Gudpalli, Nagur M, Kashampur, Beldal and Sunknal. The Catechism, family visit, Eucharistic celebration, Bhajans strengthened the faith of the people.
- There have been three vocations from the faith formation villages to the congregation.
- Formed 84 SHG’s in Aurad taluka collaborating with the Orbit.
- Premanjali High School Kannada medium started on June 2004.
- study Home for girls was started in 2006.
- 100% result for three years. (2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14)
- Quality, value based education and Catechism are taught in the school.
- Education for girl child.
- Poor students are helped.
- At present five Sisters are involved in the mission work.
A lot of improvement has been noted in the attitude of people and the children. There is a need to still work hard towards their development. People are in their shallow faith and also division is found among themselves. The people show interest towards their growth. On the whole satisfaction is felt in the mission work.
Sub – Stations/ Centres:
1. Christ the King Church, Ujini 1999 C. 451 F. 81 Cat. 0
2. Holy Cross Chapel, Gudpally 1993 C. 304 F. 40 Cat. 0
3. Christ King Chapel, Nagur M 1992 C. 200 F. 27 Cat. 0
4. St. Thomas Chapel, Sunkanal 1995 C. 159 F. 19 Cat. 1
5. Sacred Heart, Khashempur 2009 C. 93 F. 13 Cat. 0
6. Holy Spirit Chapel, Beldal 2012 C. 123 F. 26 Cat. 0
Jnanadeepa Boarding
Priest In-charge: Fr. Sunil Andrade 8970777406/9449685030
Convent: Missionary Sisters of the Queen of the Apostles (SRA)
Premanjali Convent (2003)
Ujini, Aurad
Bidar-585 421
Superior: Sr. Archana SRA 9483089434
1. Premanjali Kannada Medium High School
H.M.:Sr. Archana SRA 9483089434
2. Premanjali Boarding House
Sister-In Charge: Sr Prashanthi 8105950210