News&Events SANTHPUR MISSION (1987) Ujini Parish Youth/ YSM

Zonal Youth Gathering at Ujini

Aurad Zone organized a two day Zonal Youth Gathering for the youth of Santhpur, Ujini and Ekamba centers on 18 and 19 October, 2021. About 120 youth from Ujini and Santhpur participated in the programme. The programme began with the Eucharistic Adoration, which was animated  by Fr Vincent Pereira and team. Mr. Emmanuel S/o Nagappa from Kashampur village, Progamme Officer of Dheshpande Foundation and Mrs. Mangala Bhagvath, Head of the Postal Department, Gurudwar, Bidar   were the resource persons who inspired the participants.   Fr. Christhu Raj SDB, the Diocesan Youth Director  addressed the youth and inspired them to participate in the Sunday Holy Eucharist without fail. To culminate the gathering there were competitions and games like  Volley ball, Throw  ball and Kabadi . The programme was well  coordinated and meaningfully executed  by the zonal priests  and by the ICYM office bearers of Ujini under the dynamic leadership  of Fr. Sunil Andrade. Kudos to all the Rev. Fathers, Rev. Sisters and youth leaders of the zone.

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