KALABURAGI 1962 Parish News

Vibrant Celebrations Mark the Feast of the Mother of Divine Grace in Kalaburagi

Kalaburagi, June 23, 2024 – The titular Feast of the Mother of Divine Grace Cathedral in Kalaburagi was celebrated with deep reverence and vibrant festivity on June 23. The solemn festive mass began at 5:00 pm, led by Bishop Robert Miranda, the Bishop of the Gulbarga . In his  homily, Bishop focused on the theme of spiritual renewal and the Church’s role in combating evil forces, portraying the Church as the “Third Eve,” symbolizing purity and strength in the face of adversity.

A notable highlight of the celebration was the inauguration of the new Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) of the cathedral. The newly appointed members took their oath and assumed their responsibilities in the presence of the faithful congregation. Adding to the festive atmosphere, a grand choir procession made its way to Timmapuri Circle and back to the cathedral, with candlelight illuminating the path of spiritual devotion.

The ceremony concluded with a Benediction led by Fr John Thomas SJ followed by the symbolic lowering of the festal flag, signifying the end of the celebrations. A large congregation of devoted followers participated fervently in the rituals, underscoring the importance of the Feast of Mother of Divine Grace in the community’s hearts.

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