The Bishop of Gulbarga, Most Rev Robert Miranda, organized two days of ongoing formation and self-assessment as well as envisioning for his priests on 14-15 March 2023 at Sugyan, the diocesan pastoral center. Fr Fedrick Dsouza, the procurator of the Diocese introduced and welcomed the resource persons. Rev Fr Dion Vaz S. J provincial superior […]
Women’s day Celebration at Kumbarpet empowered 200 women
Souhardha Social Service & Development Center Kumbarpet celebrated Women’s day at Kumbarpet on 8 March 2023. Mrs. Jayalalitha Patil the Advocate, and Mrs. Karuna Kulkarni the President of the Samakya Karnataka women Association were the recourse persons of the day. They spoke on the need for women’s empowerment in the present world. Fr. Deepak Furtado, […]
Bala Milana Gathering at Bhalki
Bala Jyoti Program organized the Bala Milana children gathering on 4th March at the premises of Divya Jyothi School in Balaki. Each child who was assisted by the diocese in his or her educational development was seen at this event as their intellectual growth continued. Various competitions were held for the children and Balajyothi tuition […]
The Golden Jubilee of Vidya Rani Convent and Shisuvihar Higher Primary School, Chittapur
The Bethany Sisters of Western Province celebrated The Golden Jubilee of Vidya Rani Convent and Shisuvihar Higher Primary School, Chittapur on 28 February 2023. Most Rev. Along with the 14 priests of the diocese, Bishop Miranda of Gulbarga celebrated Holy Eucharist. Bishop preached the homily, focusing on the biblical background and the significance of the […]
The Day of the Consecrated Life celebrated at Kalaburagi
The clergy of the Diocese of Gulbarga celebrated the Day of Consecrated Life along with the CRI Gulbarga Diocese on 4 January 2023 at Mother Theresa Hall, Kalaburagi. Rev. Fr James Gonsalves SJ, Parish Priest of St Ann Church, Bijapur, was the resource person for the day and spoke on “the enrichment of the call […]
Bandavya – 2023 Couples Retreat at Kristashrama
Basavakalyan, Koudiyal, February 3, 2023: Kristashrama Spiritual Retreat Centre Koudiyal, Basavakalyan Taluk, Bidar District, Diocese of Gulbarga organised three days Couples Spiritual Retreat “Bandavya 2023” from February 1 to 3, 2023. Kristashrama Retreat Centre Koudiyal Director Rev. Fr George Lobo welcomed the Yesusparsha team members Rev. Fr Franklin D’Souza from the Diocese of Shimoga, Bro. T. […]
“Capacity Building” Training Programme for the Youth
Youth commission in collaboration with the Indian Social Institute Bengaluru organized the second phase of three days program ‘ Capacity building ‘ from 9 – 10 December 2022 at Bishop’s house, Gulbarga. 21 youths from different Parish participated in the program. The resource persons were Mr. Shujayathulla, Mr. Kennedy, and Mr. Manohar from the Indian […]
A day’s Pastoral consultations programme at ORBIT
A day’s Pastoral consultations programme was held at ORBIT for the Director, Parish Priests, and Religious Superiors of the Bidar and Gulbarga deaneries on 6 December 2022. Rev Fr. Faustine Lobo, Parish Priest of Kinnigoly Parish, Mangalore, and Rev Fr. Theyol Machado SJ, from Vijyapura Mission, was the resource person for the day and discussed […]
Faculty for the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
For the first time, the Diocese of Gulbarga introduced extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion to assist the priests in the parishes. The training session was held on 17 November 2022 at ORBIT, Humnabad under the leadership of Fr David D’Souza, Commission secretary for Liturgy. Most Rev Dr. Robert Miranda, Bishop of the diocese, and Rev Fr Stany Lobo, The […]
Bhalki Jathrostava 2022 and Ruby Jubilee Celebration
The celebration of Bhalki Jathrostva 2022 and Ruby Jubilee of Bidar Mission took place at Infant Jesus Shrine, Bhalki on 4-6 November 2022. The celebration of Jathra began in Bhalki City with the procession of the Infant Jesus. Most Rev Dr. Alyosious Paul DSouza, Bishop emeritus of Mangalore, and Most Rev Dr. Robert Miranda, bishop […]